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Just Another Hero



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About The Book

Jericho, November, Arielle, and their friends must step up big time to prevent a deadly school tragedy in this harrowing conclusion to Sharon M. Draper’s Jericho Trilogy.

Arielle Gresham, disliked and mistrusted by most of the students at her school, has a secret past, an unbelievably complicated present, and a shaky future. But no one knows or cares because she has managed to alienate anyone who could help her. She tries to cope with problems at school, but difficulties at home almost break her spirit.

Then, as the school tries to deal with an outbreak of false fire alarms and a series of thefts, and Arielle discovers that one classmate is addicted to prescription drugs and another is a victim on vicious online bullying. Outward appearances are seldom what they seem to be—everyone is dealing with something, it’s all a matter of how you deal with it, Arielle is figuring out.

But one kid can’t, and as he starts to crack, could he take the school tumbling down with him?

A hero is needed. But what makes a hero?


Just Another Hero



“Now pick up his legs!”

“Hey, quit! Stop! Leave me alone!”

“This is gonna be too funny!”

“Hurry up, before a teacher shows up.”

“He’s slippery like a little worm, man.”

“Quit wigglin’, little punk! You gonna make me throw you in the pool!”

“Let me GO!”

Arielle Gresham, who had come to school early to get some homework done, was sitting alone in a side hall near the boys’ gym, lost in her own thoughts. Startled by the noise, she turned her head to see two big guys carrying a kicking, flailing smaller boy into the hall that led to the swimming pool.

“Put me down!”

“Make me!”

“PLEASE just leave me alone!”

“This is gonna be the best You Tube video ever!”

“Make sure you film just him and not our faces, dude.”

“I’m not stupid!”

Arielle heard screeches of complaint, more laughter, then silence. By this time she was already on her feet and marching toward the locker room that led to the boys’ entrance to the pool. She’d never actually been in a boys’ locker room before, or any male bathroom for that matter, but she figured she could handle it.

The smell hit her first. How could a room that had to have been cleaned last night still reek so bad? The room was brightly lit with fluorescent bulbs that illuminated everything with a purplish glare. The row of urinals lined up against one pee-spattered wall helped explain the smell. Battered green lockers and benches lined the far wall.

She hurried out of there and down the hall to the pool. The voices, louder and clearer, made her break into a run.

“Throw his jeans into the pool!” A soft splash.

“He’s wearin’ tightie-whities, man!” Lots of deep laughter echoed.

“Throw those in too.”

Arielle opened the door to the pool area. Damp, moist air, sharpened by the pungent tang of chlorine, hit her face.

The scene in front of her made her gasp. Two guys, students she’d seen around but did not know, were holding a squirming, crying student facedown on the tiled floor. He wore only a navy blue hoodie and his socks. His shoes lay a few feet away, but his jeans and underpants floated nearby in seven feet of water. A third boy was holding a cell phone, obviously filming the scene.

“What is wrong with you?” she screamed. Her voice echoed against the damp walls. “Let him go!”

“Busted!” the largest of the three said. “By a girl! Too cool!”

“No sweat. We got enough to post,” the filmer crowed gleefully, flipping his cell phone shut. “Hey, Wardley! Your butt’s gonna be famous!”

And with that, all three bigger guys hooted with laughter and ran out of the pool area.

The kid who’d been released lay there, his hands clasped over his head, trembling.

Arielle, unsure of what to do, knew he had to be mortified.

“Get out,” the boy mumbled.

“Do you want me to try and fish your clothes out of the pool?” she offered.

“I said get out!” the boy said louder.

She was pretty sure she recognized that voice. “Osrick?” she asked.

Osrick Wardley was in her chemistry and English classes, but Arielle barely knew him. He was seventeen—a senior like the rest of them—but he was only about five feet tall and couldn’t have weighed more than a hundred pounds. With dirty blond hair, a mouth full of braces, and a narrow, sunken chest, the kid was a magnet for guys who liked to act tough. Members of the football team sucker punched him and tossed him into wastebaskets with regularity. And now, it seemed, the swimmers were taking their turn.

Of course, everybody called him Weird Osrick. Who would name a kid Osrick? Arielle thought. His parents might as well have pinned a sign on him that said, PLEASE MAKE FUN OF ME!

Osrick had never scored anything lower than an A in any class Arielle had shared with him. Except for gym, which had to be rough for a guy who could be knocked over by a wildly tossed basketball.

“Osrick, are you okay?” Arielle asked. She touched her carefully curled hair, which was beginning to droop in the humid air.

“Please, promise you won’t tell anybody!” Osrick pleaded. “Please!”

“Okay, okay! I promise.” Arielle frowned, pondering whether that was the right thing to say. Surely she should tell a teacher?

“Now please just leave,” Osrick begged.

“Suit yourself,” Arielle said with a shrug. “I was just trying to help.” She picked up a towel, tossed it toward him, then hurried out of the pool area, leaving Osrick to the privacy of his humiliation.

Reading Group Guide

A Guide for Reading Groups




By Sharon M. Draper

About the Book


Arielle Gresham, disliked and mistrusted by most of the students at her school, has a secret past, an unbelievably complicated present, and a shaky future. But no one knows or cares because she has managed to alienate anyone who could help her. She tries to cope with problems at school, but difficulties at home almost break her spirit. As the school tries to deal with an outbreak of false fire alarms, a series of thefts, a student addicted to prescription drugs, and another who is a victim of vicious online bullying, Arielle finds that outward appearances are seldom what they seem to be. A hero is needed—maybe several heroes to solve the various problems that emerge. What makes a hero? We find out as the novel builds to a powerful, explosive conclusion.

Discussion Topics

1. The novel opens with a scene of violence—cruel mistreatment of a weaker student by a group of bullies. How does this help capture the reader’s attention? What predictions can the reader make about Arielle and Osrick? Compare those predictions to what really happens at the end of the novel.

2. Why doesn’t Arielle report the abuse of Osrick? What would you have done in the same situation?

3. Arielle seems to be a social outsider as well as Osrick, although she used to hang with all the popular kids in school. What had caused this? How did she feel about it? What do you think could be done about the situation?

4. Describe Arielle’s home life. Compare the outward luxury of her home with the inner tensions. How does she feel about her stepfather? How does she feel about her mother’s relationship with Chad?

5. Chad exerts extreme control over Arielle and her mother. Do you consider him to be abusive? Where do you draw the line between control and abuse? Would you be willing to live in such a household if you were given a large allowance and a lovely home?

6. How did Kofi get addicted to prescription pain pills? How realistic is his addiction? How does his home life contribute to his stress? Describe his relationship with his parents.

7. Describe Mrs. Witherspoon. What makes her a great teacher?

8. Why does the return of Eddie upset Dana? How does Kofi respond and why? What predictions can you make about Eddie, Kofi, and Dana?

9. The school is plagued by someone who keeps pulling the fire alarm, as well as a thief. What indications are given that the same person is responsible for both?

10. Why is Arielle so upset about the theft of her iPhone? How does the loss of the phone help her regain some friendships?

11. How is Eddie able to convince the younger boys that juvenile detention was pleasant? Why do you think they believed him? What is Kofi’s response?

12. Because of the damage to her car, Arielle’s mother is devastated. What does this tell you about her relationship with her husband? Chad places Arielle’s mom on punishment. Discuss your feelings about one adult placing another adult on punishment.

13. Describe the relationship between Dana and Kofi. How does she react to his drug use, his college plans, and his family situation? What might have been Kofi’s future without Dana in his life?

14. How successful is November’s reintegration into high school life? What difficulties and challenges does she face?

15. Describe what Chad did to the house Arielle lived in. How did it make you feel? How does she react? How would you react to such a thing?

16. As she adjusts to living in a homeless shelter, how has Arielle changed, both personally and socially, from the beginning of the book to this point?

17. How is Osrick able to figure out who the thief is? How do he and Arielle work together? Why doesn’t he trust her to tell her everything he knows?

18. Describe the scene with the blue light. Who do you suspect to be the thief at the beginning of the scene? How surprising is it when the real thief is revealed? What connection do you predict between the thief and the person who is pulling the fire alarm?

19. Describe the events upstairs in the classroom during the shooting and compare the events downstairs as people watch and worry and speculate. Why are both points of view necessary?

20. Describe the heroic events in the final confrontation with Jack. Do you consider Eddie to be a hero? Explain why or why not. Can a negative character be considered a hero? Explain.

Activities and Research

1. You are a reporter at one of the following scenes. Write the story for your newspaper.

·      The gunshots at Douglas High School

·      The arrest of a teacher at Douglas High School

·      The police and fire response as a result of school violence

·      The gathering of newspaper reporters and what they say during an emergency

2. Investigate the problems of prescription drug abuse, especially among high school students. Find out statistics as well as possible solutions for help.

3. Research current laws and punishments for pulling a fire alarm at school or bringing a gun to school.

4. Research current treatment options for young people like Jack. What punishment might Jack receive considering his physical and mental state?

5. The bullies make a video of their mistreatment of Osrick on a cell phone, which is later posted on a social networking site. Discuss the implications of these kinds of events, and the short-term and long-term results. How does it affect the victim socially, emotionally, and personally? What effect, if any, do such things have on a school community?

6. Write a letter to one of the characters in the book explaining your feelings about the events in the story. What advice would you give Arielle, Osrick or Kofi, or Jack?

7. Describe the relationship between the friends in the book. Is friendship enough when situations become monumental and overwhelming to young people? Explain.

8. Imagine it is six weeks after the end of the novel. Write a letter or create a conversation between one of the following pairs of characters:

·      Jericho to Olivia

·      Arielle to Brandon

·      Kofi to his parents

·      Arielle to Chad

·      Osrick to Arielle

9. Trace the story of one of the following characters. Imagine you are a reporter doing a story on one of their lives. Write everything you know, as well as whatever you can infer about the character, in order to write your magazine article.
  • Osrick
  • Olivia
  • Chad
  • Kofi
  • Jack

10. Write a paper that discusses the effects of guns and violence in a high school setting. You might discuss causes, effects, and possible solutions. Show the results of the effects on students, both personally, socially, and academically.


Read the quotes, then write an essay using the suggestions that follow.


(a) “Mrs. Witherspoon, a petite woman with curly blond hair, boundless energy, and really cool tech toys in her classroom, greeted everybody as they came in. She seemed to know something about the lives of every single student . . . They were reading Beowulf, so Mrs. Witherspoon showed two video clips—one from the preview of the movie, and one from a cartoon about the monster Grendel. Then she popped up a chart that talked about heroes and monsters and good versus evil, and brought up a website that told about Anglo-Saxon history—all in a twenty-minute span. Kofi loved the dazzle and techno-coolness of this class. Nobody ever went to sleep in Spoon’s class.”

(b) Miss Pringle wore an oversized sweatshirt with pockets, baggy slacks, and a hideous pair of earth shoes. Arielle looked at Miss Pringle and sketched a pencil drawing of her on a blank notebook page—with arms like those bendy straws that little kids use and pencil-thin hair . . . She began what had become a daily pattern of locking and unlocking that back door a dozen times in five minutes. Get out test tubes. Lock. Unlock. Bring out nitric acid. Lock. Unlock. Carry out five beakers. Lock. Unlock. All the while yap, yap, yapping about measurement and chemicals and formulas.”

Compare and/or contrast the characters of the two teachers, Mrs. Witherspoon and Miss Pringle. Discuss their effectiveness at teaching their subjects, as well as how they relate to students. Use specific examples from the book to support your statements.


“The classroom windows—dull, yellowed, and streaked. The stacks of chemistry books on the floor—covers curled at the edges. The computers—humming and glowing with fuzzy printed text. A wastebasket—overflowing with paper and chip wrappers and dirty Kleenex. The sharp smell of orange peels and spilled chocolate milk—more trash. Desks—scuffed, scratched, and bent, never quite balanced on all four legs. The late winter sun—dull gold, trapped outside the locked windows. The painted concrete floor—criss-crossed with the shadows of dusty footprints. The periodic chart of the elements—creased, ripped, and memorized.”

Write a descriptive paper that uses sensory imagery. Describe a specific scene and bring it to life with your words. Use vivid verbs and powerful adjectives and adverbs as you write. Use as many of the senses as you can. (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste)


            “Eddie carried a freshly sharpened yellow pencil in each hand. He didn’t look scared. He took two steps forward.

‘Don’t move!’ Jack warned, aiming at Eddie.

 ‘You are the king of everything, Jack,’ Eddie said. He took two more steps. His voice was quiet, yet still had that gravelly quality. ‘I like your noise.’

Jack cocked his head. ‘Yeah,’ he said. ‘Noise.’

Eddie took one more slow, deliberate step. ‘Drums are my favorite,’ Eddie drawled.

‘Drums.’ Jack repeated. He seemed mesmerized.

Eddie took the two pencils and began to play a rhythm on the back of the desk closest to him. ‘Flamadiddle, paradiddle, double-stroke, roll,’ Eddie chanted as he bopped the pencils. ‘Ratamacooey, ratamacooey, rimshot, bop!’

‘You’re good,’ Jack said. He blinked rapidly. ‘Where’d you learn percussion?’

‘I used to be in a band,’ Eddie said, his voice even and slow. He never stopped his rhythmic tapping with the pencils.”

Write a narrative paper from the point of view of Eddie. Tell what kind of life he must have lived to become the person that he is. Describe possible difficulties he might have had to overcome, or hidden strengths he might have.


(a) “Her room was any girl’s dream—thick, rose-colored carpet, and a lighter pink paper on the walls. Her queen-sized bed was covered with soft down pillows and comforters, and on her desk sat a television, a computer, a video game player, and dozens of CDs and DVDs. She glanced out through the dotted-Swiss pink curtains to see her mother drive away in the Mercedes that Chad had given her for Christmas . . .”

(b) “Startled by loud coughing coming from across the room, Arielle woke up stiff and confused. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light in the room, she remembered where she was. On a thin mattress. Under a thinner blanket that smelled of Clorox. Close to her mother who slept in the bed beside her. At the Hillside Valley Shelter on Vine Street. She had seen no hillsides and no valleys since she and her mother had arrived three days ago. Only cement sidewalks. Outside, cars zoomed past, music from the apartments nearby played loudly, and police sirens shrieked most of the night.”

Write an expository (explanatory) paper that describes your room, any room in your house, your home, your neighborhood, your school, or an area in your neighborhood. Use as many specifics as possible.


“Arielle could hear Miss Singletary still speaking with excitement about the day’s incidents. Arielle caught the names of Jack, Eddie, Kofi, and Jericho as she slowed to listen to the woman. ‘So what makes a hero, and who is the hero of the day?’ the woman was asking the audience on the other side of the camera she faced . . . Arielle breathed deeply of the spring air that promised flowers as well as rain. She ducked under a ribbon of crime scene tape, sprinted toward the parking lot, then whispered the answer to the reporter’s question into the soft breeze.”

Write a persuasive paper that answers the following question: “What makes a hero?” Be sure to use specifics to support your answer.


“Arielle tiptoed closer to the door.

Chad said suddenly, ‘You should have met my father.’

‘You hardly talk about your dad.’

‘Army general. Tough. Hard. Proud. I felt his iron fist many nights.’ Chad’s voice sounded tight and tense.

I bet his dad was a real piece of work! Arielle thought, shaking her head.

‘That must have been rough for you as a kid,’ Michelle said gently. ‘But surely he had a soft side, too.’

Yeah, right—Chad the huggable baby. Hah!

‘Heroes don’t hug.’

‘Daddies do.’

Good one, Mom!

‘Perhaps. But fathers do not.’

‘Oh, Chad, in some ways I feel sorry for both of you.’

‘I don’t need your sympathy, Michelle.’

Then her mother asked, “Do you think Arielle is as strong as you were as a child?’

Arielle leaned forward to hear better.

      ‘Arielle? She’s a puff of smoke.’

            So that’s what he thinks of me? Not that she was surprised, but it still hurt to hear him talk about her like that.

‘If that’s true, do you think maybe you’re too hard on her?’

Good lookin’ out, Mom!

‘She needs discipline.’

‘Give her a chance, Chad. She’s just a kid.’

Thanks, Mom.

‘By the time I was her age, I had a straight A average and I’d been accepted at West Point.’

‘She’s not you.’”

Read the passage above and explain how the point of view of the character who makes the observation influences the description. Discuss Arielle’s point of view, her mother’s point of view, and Chad’s as well.


Write a poem about one of the following topics:
  • The Hidden Hero
  • Guns and Violence
  • The Need for Friends
  • Fear and Destruction
  • Courage


“As she turned back around she saw Jack Krasinski on the other side of the room and instantly grinned. Kids called him Crazy Jack, and he loved it, even encouraged it. Tall and skinny and generally liked by everybody, Jack always wore bright, showy colors—like green neon shirts and red plaid pants. When Osrick dressed in wacky clothes, students laughed and made fun of him, but if Jack decided to wear pajamas to school, Arielle noticed, everybody thought it was really cool. She wondered why Jack could get away with it, but Osrick couldn’t. Jack played in the school band—cymbals and drums—instruments that made maximum noise—the louder the better. Jack had once told her the racket made the voices in his head get quiet. She had no idea what he’d been talking about.”

Write a character sketch of a strong, powerful, or unusual person—a friend, a relative, a family member. Use strong verbs and adjectives, as well as sensory imagery.


“The pretty pink carpet remained, as well as the indentations where the bed and the chest of drawers had once stood. But Arielle’s room, like the rest of the house, was completely bare. A few hangers dangled in the empty closet. Everything else was gone . . . Arielle sniffed and said, ‘Can I borrow a tissue? He probably took the Kleenex box, too.’ With trembling fingers, Arielle punched in the number of her mother’s job at the Delta desk. ‘Mom?’ she cried. ‘You gotta come home—now. Chad took everything.’ She paused, listening to her mother’s outcry. ‘Mom, he took every belt and bottle. My clothes, even my underwear. My books and pictures. All your stuff, too. The furniture. The food. Gone. Please hurry. I’m scared.’ . . . Kofi glanced into the empty hall and peeked into a couple of the other rooms. All were slick and bare. And Arielle was right. Even the toilet paper was gone.”

Write a personal essay that describes a special memory or object, or on a particular loss in your life. Explain why it is meaningful to you. Be sure to include sensory imagery—sights, smells, touches, tastes, sounds.



            “The monster knew at once that nowhere on earth

            Had he met a man whose hands were stronger.

            The monster’s mind was filled with fear . . .

            Horrible shrieks of pain and defeat,

            Tears torn out of Grendel’s monstrous throat,

            Caught in the arms of the one man

            Who of all men on earth was the strongest.”

The passage above comes from the ancient story called Beowulf. The teacher in Just Another Hero uses this passage as she discusses the subject of heroism in class. Write what you think the author was saying in this passage about good and evil and how the lines in this quote apply to the themes of the novel.

This reading group guide has been provided by Simon & Schuster for classroom, library, and reading group use. It may be reproduced in its entirety or excerpted for these purposes.




About The Author

Photograph (c) Sharon Draper
Sharon M. Draper

Sharon M. Draper is the New York Times bestselling author of Out of My Mind, Blended, and Out of My Heart. She’s won Coretta Scott King Awards for Copper Sun and Forged by Fire and multiple honors. She’s also the recipient of the Margaret A. Edwards Award honoring her significant and lasting contribution to writing for teens. Sharon taught high school English for twenty-five years and was named National Teacher of the Year. She lives in Florida. Visit her at

Product Details

  • Publisher: Atheneum/Caitlyn Dlouhy Books (July 11, 2017)
  • Length: 304 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781481490306
  • Ages: 12 - 99

Awards and Honors

  • ALA Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers
  • Nevada Young Readers' Award Nominee

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More books from this author: Sharon M. Draper

More books in this series: The Jericho Trilogy