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Foul Heart Huntsman



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About The Book

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of These Violent Delights and Our Violent Ends comes the “fast-paced…impressive” (Kirkus Reviews) second book in the captivating Foul Lady Fortune duology following an immortal assassin in 1930s Shanghai as she races to save her country and her love.

Winter is drawing thick in 1932 Shanghai, as is the ever-nearing threat of a Japanese invasion.

Rosalind Lang has suffered the worst possible fate for a national spy: she’s been exposed. With the media storm camped outside her apartment for the infamous Lady Fortune, she’s barely left her bedroom in weeks, plotting her next course of action after Orion was taken and his memories of Rosalind wiped. Though their marriage might have been a sham, his absence hurts her more than any physical wound. She won’t rest until she gets him back.

But with her identity in the open, the task is near impossible. The only way to leave the city and rescue Orion is under the guise of a national tour. It’s easy to convince her superiors that the countryside needs unity more than ever, and who better than an immortal girl to stir pride and strength into the people?

When the tour goes wrong, however, everything Rosalind once knew is thrown up in the air. Taking refuge outside Shanghai, old ghosts come into the open and adversaries turn to allies. To save Orion, they must find a cure to his mother’s traitorous invention and take this dangerous chemical weapon away from impending foreign invasion—but the clock is ticking, and if Rosalind fails, it’s not only Orion she loses, but her nation itself.


Chapter 1 1

Ice had frosted over Rosalind Lang’s bedroom window, drawing a bizarre shape that resembled a broken heart—the anatomical kind, with half-severed arteries stretching into the corners. Its edges were starting to melt, though, thawing under the first sunny day they’d had in a while and dripping rivulets of condensation down the glass.

Rosalind was watching the street below. She didn’t know how they expected her to leave without causing a fiasco. The media had been relentless for weeks, with different outlets flocking outside her apartment building, hoping to be the first to snap a recent picture of Lady Fortune. Ever since she was discharged from the hospital and told to rest up, she hadn’t left her apartment once, relying on her landlady Lao Lao to do the shopping and bring news from the outside. She hadn’t needed the rest. As soon as they took the bullets out, her body had healed at supernatural speed, returning her to normal function. If it were up to her, she wouldn’t be sitting idle, but her superiors had given her a very stern warning about needing to lie low. Today she had been summoned in at last for a meeting to discuss their next steps. The papers had splashed her entire identity in the headlines: Lang Shalin, former Scarlet showgirl turned Nationalist assassin—not dead as the city had been left to believe but wreaking chaos and killing merchants up and down the country’s coast for four years.

With Fortune’s real face in the open, she could hardly continue her missions as per usual. She had been pacing her bedroom relentlessly these few weeks, drawing up plans and then tossing them out, knowing she would be barred from acting upon them. She had already made the mistake of telling Jiemin that Alisa held Lady Hong’s last vial, a show of good faith while she begged for them to go after Orion, and yet that had achieved nothing except sending the Nationalists on the chase after Alisa. She wasn’t going to relinquish the remaining card up her sleeve.

I can help you get him back.

Find me in Zhouzhuang.


The note sat crinkled on her desk now. Its words were hardly legible after all her folding and unfolding, but it didn’t matter. She had long memorized those three lines; night after night, when she stared at the walls blankly in her version of rest, the note would flash in her mind on every blink. Without even sleep for an escape, there was nothing for Rosalind Lang to do within these four walls but think and think and think.

How was she supposed to get to Zhouzhuang without directly going against the Nationalists? As frustrated as she was, they were still her employers, and she couldn’t break away so rashly. Besides, what if it was a trap? What if she fled to the countryside only to find nothing but a dead end? She didn’t even know what JM was supposed to mean. She didn’t know anyone with those initials. A nurse at the hospital had inscribed this note after taking the message on the telephone. Anyone could have made the call. News had already broken about her identity by then. All someone needed to do was locate which hospital was plucking bullets out of Fortune and ask for the message to be passed along. Hell—maybe it was only a reporter who wanted to meet for the exclusive scoop.

Still… this was better than nothing. The Nationalists had made it clear that they had given up on Orion Hong. He is a liability. There is nothing we can do except try to eliminate him.

“He is one of your best agents,” Rosalind had yelled at Jiemin’s retreating back when he’d come with instructions to stay put. “How can you tell me there is absolutely nothing to be done?”

He had paused at the doorway. Shaken his head sadly.

“Even if—somehow—we physically remove him from his mother’s side, his mind has been altered to follow her every instruction. And if his mind is always going to be under her influence, we cannot trust him on our side ever again. Think of Hong Liwen as having perished in combat. It’ll be easier.”

A traitorous part of her wished Dao Feng were still here. He wouldn’t have told her to stay put. He would have made a plan to rescue Orion. Except her handler had switched sides—or rather, her handler had been on the opposite side all along. The question of whether Dao Feng had truly cared for her or Orion as his disciples was up for perpetual debate.

“Damn you,” Rosalind muttered under her breath. She wasn’t sure who she was talking to. Dao Feng, maybe. Or the world at large for setting her in this role.

On the street below, a car started to pull up alongside the reporters, stirring interest in the crowd. A girl tumbled out from the passenger seat in a flurry of pink tulle, coming into the building with her key and slamming the door closed before any of the reporters could follow suit. Seconds later there was the sound of heels clacking up the exterior stairs, then the apartment door opening too.

“Saozi, you better be dressed already.”

Rosalind was not dressed. “You don’t have to keep calling me that. I give you full permission to defy cultural terms of respectful fake kinship and use my name.”

Phoebe Hong appeared at the bedroom doorway. She propped her hands on her hips. In stark contrast to Rosalind’s lack of preparedness, Phoebe wore a rose-colored dress with a series of complex ribbons down the front, a blot of color suddenly bursting onto a monochromatic scene. She took in the sight before her—Rosalind perched at the edge of her messy desk, her hair spilling down her back and her legs bare—and strode forward immediately.

“Is that my brother’s shirt?” Phoebe demanded.

“Maybe,” Rosalind replied defensively. The smooth white fabric draped down to her thighs, and she tugged at it, though she doubted Phoebe cared whether she was adhering to modesty. “You’re incredibly early. I thought Silas said he was coming at three.”

Phoebe went to the dresser and pulled out a qipao. When she tossed it at her, Rosalind barely had a second to catch the bundle of silk before Phoebe was also throwing a necklace, putting together a complete outfit in the most disorderly way.

“You can’t be lying around wearing my brother’s clothes on today of all days. Go change.”

“I was going to get ready,” Rosalind insisted. She shook the qipao out. Though she stood, Rosalind couldn’t help glancing at her desk again, at the note sitting beside her stack of books. The shirt was warm on her shoulders. It felt safe in a way that her own clothes didn’t, as if Orion were still around, making a racket through the apartment.

She missed him. Terribly. She had thought him a complete menace while he was here, complained to his face that he was a terror in her space, and he had only ever grinned in return, making an effort to bring her food or smooth her hair down when she was busy writing something.

Now he was gone, and Rosalind felt utterly off-kilter. As false as their marriage had been, Orion Hong had molded himself onto her like an extra attachment of the flesh. Being cut away wasn’t something she would eventually get used to: it was an invisible wound that refused to close like her bodily ones did, and the damage had been carved into the deepest part of her heart. If she pulled her ribs open to look at the organ, she could point to its exact site… at last, an injury that wasn’t healing over at rapid speed. If she didn’t get him back, eventually she would bleed out entirely.

Rosalind tore her eyes away from the desk. A terrible sting was pricking behind them, and the last thing she needed was to start crying.

“Go change,” Phoebe prompted again, gentler this time. “If we’re going to get him back, you need to receive the task.”

“Yes,” Rosalind agreed absently. “I must receive the task.”

The problem was, weeks had gone by and the Nationalists hadn’t changed their tune about Orion. For all she knew, this meeting would move her onto a completely different mission—tell her that Jiemin was going to be her permanent handler and then assign her some silly task chasing after an unruly politician—and what then? Did Rosalind have to leave? Give up bettering this city and follow a wild lead into the countryside?

She would. That was the most alarming part. For so long she had only wanted to keep fixing Shanghai, but the focus she once possessed was wavering, loosening its hold and allowing her to crane away. She wanted to love more than her city; she wanted the love that had been wholly hers for that gasp of a moment. Given the choice between the two, she had her suspicions about which one she would run toward.

Except the thought terrified her. And so she had been playing nice these past few weeks, sitting tight instead of outright rebelling. Her employers had a chance to get it right. Let them act agreeably, and maybe Rosalind wouldn’t have to go off on her own. It wasn’t as if she had done a very good job of that in the past. Her track record was abysmal, in fact.

A loud honk blared suddenly outside the window: Silas Wu, getting impatient in the driver’s seat.

Phoebe gave her a prompting look.

“Five minutes,” Rosalind promised, hurrying into the washroom.

She changed fast. Too much time had passed since she’d last worn her hair up, and she almost dropped her pin when she stuck the metal into a small plait, pinning the tail end behind her ear. Phoebe was waiting at the front door when Rosalind emerged. She beamed happily, offering a quick clap of approval.

“I should warn you,” Phoebe said while Rosalind locked up. “There’s been a new article.”

Another one?” Rosalind swore under her breath, putting her key away. “How much more can they dig up? I have been in this world for only twenty-four years.”

And she had been aging properly for only nineteen of them before disappearing off the grid to live as some shadowy myth. Up until two months ago, people hadn’t known whether Fortune was a real person or merely something that the Nationalists had made up to scare their enemies.

“You got on some restaurant owner’s bad side in 1926. He had a whole spiel of slander prepared about you and your lack of respect for chairs. Apparently you threw one and broke it.”

Rosalind winced. “That was actually my cousin’s doing.”

“He also said you called his hat ugly.”

“Fair. That was me.”

The only reason this media storm had blown so large was because Rosalind Lang hadn’t been some nobody before: Fortune’s identity leaking wasn’t just the shock of an ordinary girl with unspeakable science running in her veins. When the Scarlet Gang was still around, any gossip column that wanted to slam her cousin Juliette Cai usually dragged Rosalind in too. The city already knew her. They had constructed an existing image of Lang Shalin, a child of Shanghai’s gangster elite who fell away when the rest of their system did. For her to arise again as this politician’s assassin was absurd, something that felt like lumping clay into a skin of flour and calling it a dumpling.

“Either way,” Phoebe said. They paused in front of the building door. Rosalind could hear the rumble of chatter, the reporters murmuring with one another in speculation over when she was going to emerge. “They’re hungry for new material. As evidenced by how far back they are willing to dig. The whole country is waiting for a glimpse of Lady Fortune.”

“They’re going to have to wait longer.” Rosalind pushed down on the door handle. “Lady Fortune is away at the moment.”

The blinding flashes came immediately. The yelling followed as a close second, voices from every direction demanding, “Look here, please! Lang Shalin, look here!”

With weeks to prepare for this moment, Rosalind kept her head down, forging ahead on the driveway. It was only a short distance to the roadside, where Silas’s car awaited. They only needed to get through the crowd without stopping.

She was doing so well. Until:

“Lang Shalin, what are your thoughts on Hong Liwen being sighted in Manchuria?”

Rosalind’s head whipped up. She sought the voice who had shouted the question, but the flashes invaded her sight immediately, leaving only blots in her field of vision.

“What?” she demanded. “What did you say?”

“You don’t need to get information from a reporter,” Phoebe cut in, taking hold of Rosalind’s elbow. “Come on.”

But Rosalind had paused, and the reporters scrambled to take advantage of the opportunity. They had grown ravenous, left out here in the cold for too long. Though the sun beamed high today, it had been rain and gloom in the days prior, some afternoons pouring with fast-falling sleet. Even then they had not desisted, too intrigued at the prospect of being the first to take a photograph to their boss.

“Over here!”

“This way! This way!”

“Lady Fortune, show us your talents!”

Without warning, something sharp came flying in Rosalind’s direction, scratching her cheek before landing with a loud thunk on the path behind her. Her hand lurched to her face with an instinctive gasp, cupping the painful sting. When she lowered her fingers, she found blood.

Her vision turned red in a visceral, livid tilt. Who dared to throw something at her? She could already feel the skin on her face knitting itself back together, healing in front of these cameras, every moment captured under a flash. This was what they had wanted, wasn’t it? To turn her into a piece of sensation, put her under a microscope to be picked apart under newsprint.

These damn reporters had forgotten that she was an assassin, that they were so interested in Fortune only because she used to be a feared shadow stalking the night, killing people with a mere exhale of poison.

Slowly Rosalind wiped the remaining blood off her face. She had changed her mind. Lady Fortune was here after all.

She lunged forward.

“Hey!” Phoebe cried.

Just before Rosalind could make contact with the nearest reporter, Phoebe scrambled to rein her back, her small frame lifting right off the ground in her vigor to keep Rosalind’s arms down. The reporter cried out in alarm. Some around him hurried a step back. Others grew even more excited, yelling for her to come their way instead.

“You really don’t want to do that, saozi,” Phoebe wheezed.

“Let go of me,” Rosalind said through her gritted teeth. “Orion would let me tear them apart.”

“And that’s why I’m being the responsible little sister. Don’t make me cry to guilt trip you.”

“Phoebe, let me go—

Phoebe gasped. When a second rock hurtled in their direction, Phoebe snatched it right out of the air before Rosalind had scarcely registered its presence, then hurled it back at the reporters. The crowd screeched, shuffling to protect their cameras.

“You’re so lucky I used to play softball.” Phoebe gave her a push. “Come on, come on!”

Rosalind gave up on her mission to incite a fistfight. With a huff, she shoved through the rest of the crowd, reaching Silas’s car at last and flinging the rear door open. She slid onto the seat behind him, her whole disposition locked in a sulk.

Phoebe came around the other side, flopping into the passenger seat and closing her door.

“So, that could have gone better.”

Silas turned around to peer into the back seat, checking on Rosalind with concern. Meanwhile, the reporters were already flocking closer to the car, getting their notepads out to record the series of events that had unfolded before them.

“What happened out there?”

“Please drive,” Rosalind said sharply. She pressed the heel of her hand into her eyes. When she ran her palm down her face, her cheek was smooth again. “Just drive.”

At the front, Silas and Phoebe exchanged a glance, silently debating their response. Before Silas could pull on the wheel, however, there was a sudden thwack on his window, and he flinched in fright, his glasses sliding down his nose.

“Go!” Rosalind commanded. The reporter pointed his camera into the gap where the window was slightly rolled down. “Hurry!”

Silas stepped on the accelerator. Phoebe leaned over to push his glasses up before they could crash from his obscured vision. And Rosalind watched her apartment fade from view, leaving behind the reporters.

Even as the clamoring noise faded, she hardly dared release the immense exhale that strained inside her lungs. Rosalind only shifted in her seat to face the front again, her shoulders tense and hunched into herself.

The vehicle jolted, passing a bump in the road and weaving into heavier traffic. While Silas and Phoebe resumed their conversation, Rosalind silently reached her hand toward the other side of the back seat, hovering in the empty space there. Then she set her hand down, upon nothing.

Reading Group Guide

Reading Group Guide for

Foul Heart Huntsman

By Chloe Gong

About the Book

When Rosalind Lang learns the Nationalist Party plans to decommission her as a spy, she plots to rescue her beloved, Orion Hong, who still suffers as a result of chemical experiments and his mother’s control. Rosalind uses her revealed identity as Lady Fortune to her advantage by participating in a tour meant to boost Chinese morale amidst civil war and threats of Japanese invasion. In reality, she aims to lure Lady Hong and Orion out from hiding. In this sequel to Foul Lady Fortune, Communist operatives Oliver Hong, Celia Lang, and Alisa Montagova, Nationalist triple spy Silas Wu, and secret assassin Phoebe Hong return, and loyalty and duty are tested in a thrilling race as Rosalind and Orion attempt to save each other and their country.

Discussion Questions

1. Both Lady Hong and her husband are referred to as “hanjian.” Research the meaning of this word. What makes it more unique than a general translation of the word traitor? If you speak another language, can you think of examples of other words that do not have direct translations? Why do you think this is?

2. When Rosalind discovers she is being decommissioned by the Nationalists, she feels useless and like she is only capable of running away. Using examples from the text, explain where these feelings come from.

3. Rosalind calls the chemical killings a “callous scientific endeavor,” because all sides of the war are trying to secure victory, even if it means putting civilians at risk. (Chapter four) Yet Western foreigners and wealthy citizens are protected in safe zones. Who is affected the most in war, and why? Is this the same in real life? Explain your answer.

4. Phoebe muses, “But people were more complicated than how political allegiances looked on paper; people protected one another in ways that made no sense and held on to larger beliefs even while committing smaller infractions along the way.” (Chapter five) What are specific instances in the book where characters chose to protect a friend or family member over their political allegiance? How are the characters able to maintain close relationships despite having different political leanings? Do you experience a clash of political ideals in your own relationships? How do you manage?

5. Why didn’t Celia think love was an option for her? How does her father’s transphobia play a part in her feeling this way? When does Celia accept that romantic love is possible for her? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

6. As the Japanese invasion materializes, Shanghai’s citizens are pushed to fight back and the city observes, “Isn’t that how it always goes? Their people are real people. Our people are not real people.” (Chapter nine) What does this mean?

7. Ah Dou tells Phoebe, “‘People can be capable of terrible things and hold love in their hearts at the same time. That’s the complexity of mankind.’” (Chapter eleven) In pairs, discuss this quote and your reaction to it. Do you agree? If you were Phoebe, how would it make you feel?

8. Mr. Akiyama tells Lady Hong, “‘Don’t forget, you’re a scientist, not a mother.’” (Chapter fourteen) In small groups, talk about the different societal expectations related to gender. Is this statement something that would be said to a father? Why can’t she be both? What makes someone a parent? Think about Celia and Rosalind’s father and how he is represented in the book. Compare him and Lady Hong.

9. When Juliette tells Rosalind she forgives her, it allows Rosalind to face her guilt and breathe. What if Juliette had truly died? How could Rosalind heal? How could she forgive herself?

10. Analyze Alisa’s confession to Roma about why she never went to Moscow. How did fear and hope keep her going?

11. Nationalists arrested Commercial Press employees to stop them from spreading Communist propaganda. This can be seen as censorship. How is this a tactic of control? What are the consequences of censorship? How does censorship manifest in real life? Discuss in small groups and be prepared to share your thoughts with the class.

12. How is Rosalind’s physical state a metaphor for her emotional and mental state? Use examples from the text to describe her character development. What metaphors exist for the other characters?

13. Think about the main characters’ skills. For example, Silas is intelligent and an abstract thinker. What are the rest of the characters’ strengths and skills? If you were a spy, what would your strength be?

14. Celia offers the perspective that Lady Hong’s men may not have enlisted willingly, to which Rosalind thinks, “Empathy didn’t mean mercy.” (Chapter twenty-nine) What do empathy and mercy mean, especially in the context of war? Who deserves either? Share your thoughts with the class.

15. While Orion deals with amnesia, one of the real memories that resurfaces is his first encounter with Rosalind when they were children. Explain the significance of this memory. How does it help him connect to Rosalind and get a piece of his identity and agency back?

16. Describe the different forms of love that exist using examples from the text. How is Orion able to love Rosalind again despite not remembering her? How do people fall in or out of love?

17. A repeated message in the book is that no single person or small group should make decisions for a country’s future. How does this message connect to real life? What is an example of a situation where this has happened? What were the outcomes?

18. Alisa contradicts Celia’s claims that lying would cause operatives to die for nothing by stating “‘No, they would be dying for duty. No one fights a war believing every move will advance the battlefield.’” (Chapter thirty-six) Who do you agree with and why?

19. Lady Hong, Roma, and Juliette all pretend to be dead. Compare the two situations, including their reasons, how people were affected, and overall consequences. What are your thoughts on their decisions to lie?

20. Orion pinpoints the similarity between Oliver and Rosalind as “holding the entire world on their shoulders and blaming themselves when it felt too heavy.” (Chapter forty-three) Pull examples from the text where Oliver and Rosalind prove this observation correct.

21. Orion reflects on his mother’s actions and believes he was born as an asset. What does this mean? Think about your identities and the expectations placed on you by family, friends, and/or society. Can you relate to Orion? Do you believe people are born with a purpose already laid out for them? Explain your answers.

Extension Activities

1. Foul Heart Huntsman deals with the theme of betrayal to one’s nation, relationships, self, and more. Think about a value, relationship, or cause you are committed to. Is there anything that would cause you to change your stance? Would it be considered a betrayal? Are there times when betrayal is justified? Write a one-page reflection essay that answers these questions.

2. Rosalind viewed Dao Feng as a father figure who, despite truly loving her, still chose to abandon her. Was their final interaction enough for Rosalind to understand his reasons for leaving? Did he truly betray her? Imagine that Phoebe hands Rosalind a letter in the epilogue from Dao Feng. Write what the letter would say.

3. With discussions of triple agents, loyalty to family, crossing factions, and all the active parties involved, this story has a lot to keep track of! In pairs, design an insert for the book that helps readers make sense of the plot and the connections between characters. Will your insert look like a map, a family tree, a web, character profiles, or something else?

4. The Nationalists agree to send Rosalind on a tour because “‘now they have a prime narrative. A Chinese assassin who has been wiping out imperialists and traitors. Builds wartime morale.’” (Chapter four) Select a war within the last one hundred years and find what narratives were created and promoted to build wartime morale and to convince all parties that war was the best choice. Create a short presentation about your findings.

5. When Phoebe wants to find more information on her mother’s early research, she uses her Nationalist connection, Silas, for entry into the archives. As a class, research what archives, rare book collections, or local historical societies exist where you live. Try to schedule an informational visit or gain access to materials. Do they have resources online? How accessible or easy was it to connect with an employee or perform research? Compile a short report of your findings to discuss as a class.

Guide written by Cynthia Medrano, librarian and committee member of Rise: A Feminist Book Project.

This guide has been provided by Simon & Schuster for classroom, library, and reading group use. It may be reproduced in its entirety or excerpted for these purposes. For more Simon & Schuster guides and classroom materials, please visit or

About The Author

One Grid Studio
Chloe Gong

Chloe Gong is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the critically acclaimed Secret Shanghai novels, as well as the Flesh and False Gods trilogy. Her books have been published in over twenty countries and have been featured in the New York Times, People, Cosmopolitan, and more. She was named one of Forbes’s 30 Under 30 for 2024. Chloe graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in English and international relations. Born in Shanghai and raised in Auckland, New Zealand, she is now located in New York City, pretending to be a real adult.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry Books (September 26, 2023)
  • Length: 560 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781665905619
  • Ages: 14 - 99

Raves and Reviews

"An electrifying, swashbuckling tale of intrigue and assassins, romance and betrayal."

– Cassandra Clare, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Last Hours series, on FOUL LADY FORTUNE

“Amazing, show-stopping, spectacular. Chloe Gong does it again with her fantastical take on the classic Chinese genre of Minguo-era spy thrillers, where no loyalties are certain and no one can be trusted in the shadowy political battle between the Nationalists, communists, and imperialists. A enthralling mystery that is sure to stun as it unravels."

– Xiran Jay Zhao, #1 New York Times bestselling author of IRON WIDOW, on FOUL LADY FORTUNE

"This book is a dark delight. I found myself transported to a different place and time, which is exactly what I look for in my favorite books. Gong's writing is evocative, and her dialogue crackles. Mesmerizing and mysterious in equal turns, Foul Lady Fortune is a captivating read, and I look forward to the next installment in the series."

– Renée Ahdieh, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Beautiful Quartet, on FOUL LADY FORTUNE

"Equal parts intoxicating and dazzling, Gong's newest duology is enchanting and unmissable. Each page is a finely honed blade that goes straight to the heart."

– Roshani Chokshi, New York Times bestselling author of THE GILDED WOLVES, on FOUL LADY FORTUNE

Foul Lady Fortune had my heart pounding from the first chapter. With brilliant pacing and utterly dynamic characters, Gong transports us to 1930s Shanghai—into a high stakes game of war, love, and espionage—and conquers every page with cinematic precision.”

– Elizabeth Lim, New York Times bestselling author of SIX CRIMSON CRANES, on FOUL LADY FORTUNE

"Chloe Gong's Foul Lady Fortune is an electric, action-packed jewel of a story, brimming with vivid prose, exhilarating twists and turns, and incredible characters who will steal your heart. This book dazzles."

– Claire Legrand, New York Times bestselling author of FURYBORN, on FOUL LADY FORTUNE

"Foul Lady Fortune is a thrilling historical fantasy packed with action, intrigue, and swoon-worthy romance. I will read anything Chloe Gong writes."

– June Hur, bestselling author of THE RED PALACE, on FOUL LADY FORTUNE

"With tense, lush storytelling, a complicated heroine and her swoon worthy foil, Foul Lady Fortune invites you into a dark chapter of twentieth century China where intrigue lies behind every corner. Intoxicating!"

– Stacey Lee, New York Times bestselling author of THE DOWNSTAIRS GIRL, on FOUL LADY FORTUNE

"A glamorous spy thriller that will leave you breathless. Chloe Gong masterfully blends romance, political drama, and Black Widow-esque action sequences into a familiar world with new characters you’ll fall completely in love with."

– Dustin Thao, New York Times bestselling author of YOU'VE REACHED SAM, on FOUL LADY FORTUNE

"When I think Republican era spy story, I think thrills, triple agents, and twists. Foul Lady Fortune delivers on all these fronts and more. The chemistry was crackling, the revelations hair-raising, and I was so taken by the world that I did not see the reveals coming, in the best way possible. Chloe Gong has outdone herself, without a doubt."

– Joan He, New York Times bestselling author of THE ONES WE'RE MEANT TO FIND, on FOUL LADY FORTUNE

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